Friday, September 29, 2017

Put Put

Any of these guys got any money?
Where was Don? Avoiding being hit up for a loan?


Professor Flanders  

I just heard a network commentator refer to President Trump as “delusional.” If he is, I assure you I already looked for a legal loophole to remove a president when President Bush sounded like he had what I call “coke nose.” Was Trump’s famous sniffling during a debate an allegation Ms. Clinton was selling cocaine, or was Trump on the stuff as a candidate? (We mental health professionals sometimes call that “projection”).

I’m quite sure Judge Wilson was not partaking of white powder, but if I got my “soapbox” a maternal grandmother said I would be forced to speak out upon, I’d allege your cops are on “crank,” and that would help them keep going during the creation of a 2.4 million dollar taxpayer bill in the City of Saint Louis, and John Belmar apparently needs $920,000 for his cops. I’ve complained about Saint Louis County police in writing to document decades of “SpyCop” garbage. Problem? No one cares! (I’ve got letters from ACLU to prove it).

So, I will now submit to the Orwellian slipstream of narcissism and greed to at this point ask you to find me a damn lawyer. I got no further in your article than the “stand your ground” explanation. Yes, I will absolutely be relocating to a European town where there is a gun crime about every decade, or would I do better by joining the android-summoned Saint Louis crowd plotting to kill some cops?

For example, I am quite sure there were some black Muslims in the U.S. Army, and they were taught about explosives. The seven county region I served as a Missouri state official has a bad reputation alleging it is a haven for what I call a “Gun Nut.” And, I got to meet a few up close with only a Motorola analog cell phone that does not shoot anything when cops apparently had something better to do than provide armed backup.

I get help on this stuff, as when mysterious young women show up and have to ask “What’s going on?” three times as Dallas cops were being systematically shot by a guy with an assault rifle. These weapons are widely available despite the efforts of my namesake in Congress during the 1970’s  & 1980’s. It has been far too long since I found video of William Hughes trying to use what I’d politely call a “Procedural Maneuver” to outlaw the kind of weapon that shot at U.S. Senators not too long ago. The best part of the video is a certain “Dixiecrat” intoning “You got it, you got it” as a far younger Charles Rangel swings the gavel.

That brings me to my recently “exposed” as a Secret Service guy dad Charles. He had a gavel and a 7th Street office that looked like a lawyer’s because he was one! When I asked “Where did you get the gavel?” he simply said, “The judge gave it to me.” He was a little more ambiguous about Muny tickets, St. Louis Hawks tickets, Blues tickets, baseball Cardinal tickets, football Cardinal tickets, Harlem Globetrotter tickets, and PGA tickets, because the line was, “A guy gave them to me.” Given how much Charlie knew about the late husband of the St. Louis - LA Rams owner, I long ago concluded that “guy” must have been the team owner.

I here allege Charles Edward Hughes was skillfully “played” by the United States Government, because like Russians they determine your weakness, which in Charlie’s case was gambling and a desire for attention. They fed Charlie’s ego, whereas I was fed poisoned food often at a California homeless program. The former California AG is running for president? I’d like to politically assassinate her, and put Governor Brown in a federal prison’s rubber room. As my Lee Bus riding grandma said, “The craziest of them are out there running around.” Yes, I’m much more like Howard Jr. with a powerful desire for privacy and to simply be left alone. Mr. Hughes established his footprint in Las Vegas by asking, “How much does this hotel cost?” Five hotels later, he had to be “crazy” because Mormon and Mafia wise guys said so. How would my late mother get a handgun recognized as a .45? Borrow one from the Mormon bodyguards! (Now, try to discredit me, when I saw the gun pointed at Charles and would pass any polygraph exam in North America).

I have no intent to buy the Wayside, Chippewa, or Duplex motels on Old Route 66, and oddly no officeholder seems to want to talk about zoning their antics onto a historical society webpage. I have attempted a Brave New World “reach out” from the political left toward people like Bruce Franks Jr. who I asked to consider “bushwhacking” Senator Claire McCaskill in the Democrat primary. Republican senatorial excuses such as, “We just give out air conditioners” and “Thanks for calling, Mr. Hughes” buy not one day of housing, housing, housing. I know firsthand what HUD possibly does not. Ex-military living in vehicles sometimes preface their remarks with, “When the riots start…”

As I joked to my ex-spouse with a PhD, “Nobody likes a bread riot.” More recently to a media corporation I wrote: “All replies must be rational and be written in English.”

Good day,

William Hughes
BS Political Science,  Lindenwood University
MSW,  Saint Louis University

[My work is published often, but not lately!]

How about this p.s.? If I invoked the criteria you cite on p. 24, I could have killed three dogs and eight people in Zip Code 63111, including a postal worker who karate-chopped my mailbox. Of her tattoos and piercings an older mailman said, “That used to be against the rules.” Finally, this sentence of yours does not make any sense. I was accused of that by a California public official in a computer lab visited by fake “Secret Service,” one of whom was “fingered” as a county deputy. JOKE: Q: “What is against the law?”  A: “Any act that resulted in getting caught.” >>“There is no dispute, here, that Stockley caused the death of Anthony Lamar Smith, and did it aware that his actions were practically certain to cause the result.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Aaron Rents


Dear News Desk:

I flattered your “Aaron” with compliments on your video of the protests here in St. Louis. I also alleged the local stations do a horrible job of reporting their own “mini-riot” because they are “Homers.” They love it here and they don’t want to audition in LA or even Chicago. I was raised here and lived through the Michael Brown/Ferguson unrest after long ago working with the Ferguson cops as a state mental health official. I do not attend these demonstrations nor do I want to watch them on TV, however, I am a highly political guy who wishes they had a leader.

Before they anoint one, I fear something really bad is going to happen. Like what? Bombings and shot cops spring to mind. I briefly interacted with a police officer on a mental health related investigation who is now dead, and I fear some ex-military types are lurking who know how to blow stuff up. Don’t tell me to call in a “tip” to a police agency when I’ve begged them to find ex-cops I knew and been treated like I robbed a convenience store.

I’m giving the tip to you! If you want a deeply knowledgeable source we can skip the “Howard Hughes stuff” I took to a Springfield Illinois TV station that I think knows it is true. How do I know? The newsroom manager who wanted more has “moved on,” and the talent I wrote to on a Facebook page is perpetually “Out of the Office.” Get that message often? I sure do. The politics finds me a meaner version of Bernie Sanders yet accused of being aligned with the ALT RIGHT crowd. “Guilt by association” is what I’d tell any reporter of yours who wants to talk.

When I lived against my will in a drug-soaked neighborhood, I knew I was in trouble the first week when I saw a guy my age emerge from a house with a gray ponytail and in the window a sign was still displayed that said “BUSH CHENEY 2004.” The year was 2014, and he did not forget to take it down. These people like guns a lot, whereas I think your Second Amendment has outlived its usefulness. Don’t wait until several cops are shot and killed to give me a response. [The Trump supporter does the shooting, and the movie line is: “Round-up the usual suspects” none of whom will be white] .
No love around here,

William C. Hughes

I don't protest because I formerly worked with the police. GOONS. THUGS. Thanks!
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Saturday, September 23, 2017

It All Connects, Bob

I think I've previously mentioned "Uncle Archie" a.k.a. Cary Grant and his popcorn making lessons. Now, it looks like "Great-Grandpa Spencer" was also in the house. Here's some of what he said:

"Come to work on time, know your lines and don't bump into the other actors."

"I couldn't be a director because I couldn't put up with the actors. I don't have the patience. Why, I'd probably kill the actors. Not to mention some of the beautiful actresses."

"I can get a divorce whenever I want to. But my wife and Kate like things just as they are."

"This mug of mine is as plain as a barn door. Why should people pay thirty-five cents to look at it?"

"There were times when my pants were so thin, I could sit on a dime and know if it was heads or tails."

"Write anything you want about me. Make up something. Hell, I don't care." 

- Spencer Tracy

Friday, September 22, 2017

More Q & A

Q: Why did Billy Joel go on with the show?
A: He's an insensitive alcoholic prick who wants to make some money. Right KSHE? Right!

Monday, September 18, 2017

C Drive Crap

Secret Service helped set-up the Shah's secret police.
This pissed-off many.

Savak, the Shah's Secret Police Force
The Shah's brutal secret police force, Savak, formed under the guidance of CIA (the United States Central Intelligence Agency) in 1957 and personnel trained by Mossad (Israel's secret service), to directly control all facets of political life in Iran. Its main task was to suppress opposition to the Shah's government and keep the people's political and social knowledge as minimal as possible. Savak was notorious throughout Iran for its brutal methods.

The interrogation office was established with no limit of using horrific torture tools and techniques to break the arrested dissenters to talk in a matter of hours.

The censorship office was established to monitor journalists, literary figures and academics throughout the country. It took appropriate measures against those who fell out of the regime's line.

Universities, labor unions and peasant organizations, amongst others, were all subjected to intense surveillance by the Savak agents and paid informants. The agency was also active abroad, especially in monitoring Iranian students who publicly opposed the Shah's government.

Interrogation, torture and long term imprisonment by Savak for reading or possessing any forbidden books. The prohibited books were removed from the book-stores and libraries; even the Tozih-ol-Masael written by Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini was forbidden.

Over the years, Savak became a law unto itself, having legal authority to arrest, detain, brutally interrogate and torture suspected people indefinitely. Savak operated its own prisons in Tehran, such as Qezel-Qalaeh and Evin facilities and many suspected places throughout the country as well. Many of those activities were carried out without any institutional checks.

The monarchy was toppled in Iran on February 11th, 1979 (22nd day of Bahman 1357, Persian calendar). The Savak dissolved and then the Iranian people along with the political prisoners tasted the blossoms of freedom (Bahar-e Azadi) for a few months. The banned and forbidden newspapers, magazines and books started republishing until the religious dictatorship took place then Savama was created that resembled Savak in different forms of oppression.

TO: ABC 15 Assignment Desk
FROM: William Hughes
KEYWORDS: Facebook, Mistaken Identity, $250, Howard Hughes

The Facebook message asked for a call. The person in Phoenix was not making sense, partly due to a cell tower fit for E.T. movie sound effects. Given the Hughes pitching this before the weather report “fluff piece” studied Communication Arts, he’s been in both TV and radio stations. Why the Political Science degree? “I’ve got more credit hours” the intrusive were told. The 20+ year career in mental health? Not relevant here except to note this is why I thought Phoenix resident “B.C” was not nuts.

Therefore, I called again. With a slightly better digital transmission and “B.C.” providing a more cogent explanation, here’s what we’ve got, cub reporters. A man with my name apparently made off with $250 and the car keys. I was so empathetic, I said, “I’m stupid enough to go back to LA, so I’ll stop by and pay the other guy’s debt.” This thrilled “B.C.” who is poor and not in a tremendous Malibu beach state of health.

Neither am I, after an illogical ass-kicking in California, but now, I’m on a first name basis with John McCain’s posse. Though a liberal, I read Barry Goldwater’s books, and John knows it. Not related to “The Aviator?” Google “MELVIN DUMMAR” and “HOLOGRAPHIC WILL.” Melvin & Bonnie’s phone numbers have been on my cell phone too long. First call? “Melvin’s out slopping the hogs.” (From an LA pay phone homeless). My Los Angeles joke? “They know who they are talking to,” thus I got stories about Howard Robard Hughes, Jr. from people old enough to be truthful. I can also tell you the Bosnians use real film when they take my 5x7 glossy. I also said, by Union Station, “You’re from The Congo? In Africa?” She said, “Yes, and I speak French too.” How can a guy who has made no more than $43,000 per year as a clinical social worker have met someone from every nation on Earth? They know what I would not admit to myself until 2007.

As a legal intern in Virginia said, “Sounds to me like they put people on vital records who aren’t related.” Bingo, Ben! And, at Civil War soldier Felix Hughes’ cemetery Ken said: “It’s getting mighty interesting out here.” My latest media-ready line: “DNA tests are for criminal trials.” Howard flew airplanes; I research rather controversial reasons they crash. We both like/liked chocolate chip cookies a lot. Females? My late mom said not to trust them, so I don’t. Howard had an Ava. To my Eva, who pranked by saying she had artificial breasts, I guess you had to be there when I looked down and said, “They look real to me.” MGM Taryn? Not without a TV producer “Green Light.”

Sunday, September 17, 2017

This One Bears Repeating

The Dirty Look and the Dollar

“For the first time since Soviet times, large-scale anti-terrorism exercises are being carried out in Russia, involving all government agencies responsible for state security."

_Oleg Ostrovsky

 " That is completely crap."

_Gennady Gudkov

Good quotes bear repeating on the blog run by Word Press commies and Nazis that keep trying to kill me.

Moving on to the famous daughters…

Ms. Obama
This Hughes always disbelieves until there are rational, credible people sending sexy Facebook pics in order to better fiddle for Romans and thereby ignore race riots and nukings that are in the works. I don’t have John Kerry’s cell phone number, but someone does. Seems to me if they’d all get off and sit down like sensible Iranians, we’d no longer hear Japanese air raid sirens. Too simple? Of course it is! I knew something was up spy orifices when a guy I call a “baldie” sat next to me in the Brimhall library. Baldie always had a silly grin and a “memory stick.” After I was 100% convinced the stick was recording my Internet surfing, I received a visit from a .01% of the population person. That was a 14 year-old African-American female in Zip Code 91362. As she slowly sat down and her face was about a foot away, I thought, “Oh my God, that’s Malia Obama.”

Of course I did not try to peek at her screen, per local custom. I did dare to look at a side profile with the hair tied up in that little bird’s nest and thought, “Nah, that’s not Malia.” What happened next, Bill? She was there for about 45 minutes, and when she got up she looked around the library like an Uzi submachine gun was needed. I concurred, and thought, “That sure does look like Malia Obama.” As the pink & black bookbag was hoisted onto her shoulder I figured, “Why not watch her back?” Slowly and assuredly she went up the wheelchair ramp with nobody near. Out the doors she went into the empty lobby. The front doors to California wilderness opened, and my internal joke was: “I’m sure she has a ride.” In the solid tradition of filthy rich Hughes’, I figured I’d wait a few weeks to look at a photo. The determination? Absolutely, positively, Malia Obama. I shall treasure the dirty look, but later I found a photo indicating maybe she’s not thrilled with her daddy either. They are allowed to yell at each other, as I did with my late dad. He was never president, but Harold Hughes should have been.

Ms. Trump
Hackers worldwide know when there is only one A/C outlet available in the whole damn library, that means Hughes’ computer is going to crash. This night at the Brimhall was “standing room only” as I looked at the blinking white cursor, but could not curse. Along came “The Three Amigos,” who may have been from Australia or some such place. They saw my plight, and one guy simply nodded. I cut the power, tried it again, and the most amazing things whizzed by on my XP screen. Before I could believe my eyes, the laptop was ready to send another futile e-mail. I was then distracted by a young woman with blond hair who was in a cubicle to my right holding up a dollar bill. She also had a bookbag and looked like a college student. After accepting the dollar with a hushed, “Thanks” the investigation began. I thought, “That sure looked a lot like Tiffany Trump.” I’m so liberal, first I had to figure out which is which between Ivanka and Tiffany. Once that was established, I scoffed at my own theory, despite a mysterious St. Louis traveler who had given her name as “Tiffany.”  On to the Internet I went to read scandalous accusations about the Trump Tiffany. I live as a monk and know nothing of scandal, yet it was a positive I.D. when I noted the president’s daughter was in an exclusive school at the time right down the 101. A whole dollar? How about a Post-It instead with Marla’s phone number? As Tony R. said, “You kids would get along great.” Then, we’d have some real scandal!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Lindbergh Was a Nazi: Is Mr. Trump?

Charlie found the Japanese architect?
Of course he did!


Ms. Frank –

All of the mystery has ended about my late father Charles. And, it has been a long road to the truth since an Issue Clerk in your building said, “Even if he [Charles] is related to Howard, you can’t get anything.” I must now wonder who she was getting legal counsel from besides ROBERT MCCULLOUGH. I further recall passing a note for the court through a Sgt. Peggy Ostendorf, who I am told has retired.

I have long possessed indisputable evidence that Charles and myself are related to Howard Hughes Jr. This has been largely ignored by everyone I approach, especially attorneys. It was not disregarded by Melvin and Bonnie Dummar (See Melvin and Howard). For your information, I had a satisfying conversation with Stuart Stein, who may well have died this is taking so long. Mr. Stein was the attorney who confronted the Hughes Empire in court. He was gracious because he knew who he was talking to, whereas in this community you imbiciles deny, deny, deny the truth of this matter.

It is time to take some political scalps home to Wales. In keeping with a “last hurrah” as a citizen who has been denied the right to vote since 2006, and been denied the privilege of driving since 2010, I am hoping to assist a political campaign as a U.S. Senator’s staff helps with the documentation that will prove the assertion about Charles. Later, a Passport will take me home. I will not be “walled in” by your madman Donald J. Trump.

In my professional opinion, which is vast, your president has a severe and incurable personality disorder. I am not heeding the recommendation of John McCain’s 2008 campaign staff to “switch” political parties when I’m claiming my late dad’s status of Independent (I). Will I ever be allowed to vote again? This requires an address that not a motel fit for a wrecking ball.

Did you say Ferguson? I took great offense to recognizing your police chief as a man standing on Central Avenue watching me as if I’m directing the unrest in North County. Remind me to get around to filing a lawsuit against CBS for continually lying out of 1120 AM and sending a “fake” television reporter. What did they gain? They recorded my voice and possibly video as well. What I’ve discovered is, when I send mail, they sell it. I send a fax, and they sell it. I cannot identify the mobster’s daughter who said this in 1987: “Bill, I’m going to save your letters and sell them.”

This puzzled me, even though I write well and have often been published. The next year, I confronted Charles about the genetic link to Howard. He issued no denial and never denied this relationship. The year after that, I received a visit from four of your police officers who alleged I was “nuts.” The facts spoke otherwise that day and speak loudly today, so I’d be pleased if Chief Belmar flips his badge in a bucket and resigns today.

Bill Hughes