Monday, September 4, 2017

This Silenced LAX

Doctored photo? No way to know.
Faked! [Previously vanished from Word Press]

Seems to me I already posted this.
However, it could be early dementia, as with wondering if the Walgreens clerk was “Ingrid” from the Thousand Oaks Jack’s. She bought me breakfast. And you? More free advice? After a small nuclear exchange, when Saudi Arabia’s wells go dry, look for China to make a move on Canada’s plentiful oil reserves. This is part of why I’m unwanted up there, and all of my uncles advised against getting your face on the Post Office wall. This was back when they delivered the mail and there was no Internet.
We now go to the bedazzled notes.
8:43 a.m.

Looked closely at Zapruder frames. Did they fake an assassination? The SS guy driving looks like Johnson. The TX governor would go along with this? Where did Howard work? MGM. “Sick of being president, Jack? I’ve got an idea.” There is a purse or bag hanging off the limo. Where did it come from? The lab for Zapruder film? The report is a joke. The pics of Gina. The film from near Brighton. Steve’s Camera…gone.

Where would Jack go? It looks kind of FAKE. Oh, that Charlie & Howard!
Oswald is in Ru.
The famous knoll guys?
Never had a gun?
The film is fake.
A Hughes is shooting film at the hospital.
Who fell for that?
That’s why!

Toss Zapruder…
The autopsy pics don’t look real, and I’m not an M.D.
Where is Radziwill from M&I Bank?
She thinks I know this!
Gayle Margherita does not walk in 0 degree temps.
Why did she insist on dropping off the Fiat?
Radziwill thinks I know.

RFK…”The device.”
This pissed-off Charlie, Leonard, & Gallagher like nothing else.
Charlie’s AVG
2 of 3.
Sirhan Sirhan is alive.
This explains the 11 fake U.S.S.S.
Faked! By HH.
What’s on the dress?
Cranberry juice?
The dress is where?
At the library?

# # # 

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