Tight as a hen's a.....
Tight parking in Israel, but it looks like LA.
Bill can zoom-in on funny license plates.
When I called her place in Atlanta, I was told:
"They moved out."
May I?
The New York Times informed me today the
younger brand of Democrat has launched a “revolution” upon the party and evil
Trump Turds. Can we set a focus group with these misguided folks like 28
year-old social worker Rachel Conner? My Ford Focus was wrecked for just being
me. Rachel needs to hear about that, and what else happened after putting that “R-word”
on a bumper-sticker. I have not one of the 500 I made, survived a mugging over
the last 10 or so of them tucked in case a mysterious “Dorothy” gave me, then
the sheriff took them, and then a possibly unrelated “relative” took them again.
The NH Secretary of State still has two, so maybe I should jump on the
president bandwagon early by threatening to punch Putin’s jaw. Me? A raging
“centrist?” My, your party is screwed-up. I will treasure my nice e-mail from a
man with the Missouri Farmer’s Union. I grabbed the paper map, and the Democrat
committeeperson in his county wants to chat? I make sense all day and get
called names. Something is going haywire here, gentlemen.
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