Tuesday, September 25, 2018


I have no intention of hassling TED CRUZ.
He's the 2020 "replacement" for Don?
I did indeed yell at a powerful Democrat
It was just me and Prox!
The wife said, "Now the cops will follow us home."
Who's "paranoid?"

Mr. Chuck Wagon:

During Watergate, I could go through a pile of newspapers. Today, I cannot find the article I cited from The Guardian, but I did find additional pieces written by Englishmen moaning over the incompetence of our Democrat lurch to the left. Mr. Obama started this, then in his second term proclaimed, “Change is incremental.” Mr. Trump’s changes are abrupt, I think we can agree. If you read some Harry S. Truman, you will find he repeatedly said, “My job is too powerful” and “The CIA is no good.” The latter statement was made after November 22, 1963, but they had nothing to do with events in Dallas, according to Richard Helms. What does this have to do with “socialism” or Bernie Sanders prospects? I call myself a “Cold War Liberal,” which means you are all for eliminating nuclear weapons, but prepared to “duck & cover” at the same time. No matter how far left a candidate may be, he or she must be ready to “Press the button” and nuke some adversaries, if necessary. About ten years ago, I had fantasies of being a perennial candidate like Ralph Nader, but instead was hit up for sushi by TV producers at Ralph’s, the California grocery store. The identity of a pop star who was content with cheese balls from Dollar Tree cannot be disclosed, like my contempt for what I call a “fake liberal” cannot be detailed here. For better or worse, this dovetails nicely with the president’s allegations of “fake news.” My deceased GOP dad complained of it too, before it had a trendy nickname. Thanks. - William C. Hughes.

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