Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Eternal Hope Springs

Never heard of Hope Springs, Arkansas?
Must not be from Missourah.

October 10, 2018

Dr. Radmanish:

It seems that be it mental health professionals & advocates or college chums, I can’t find anyone in Hillary’s Global Village. However, I did find out via the Internet that some of my family members used to monitor the global village when it was a matter of teletype machines, phones with coiled cords, and undersea copper cables. Nobody told me this, which makes me have a mood disorder according to some.

Fact is, no one in my family had any Axis I or Axis II diagnosis, and if I thought so, I would admit to it. Charles E. Hughes was a tad obsessive about where items were located and what order tasks were completed. This makes sense when he was Howard Hughes’ son. The entire nation I’m about to publicly call “evil” does not want to admit to this, and late in life he suffered greatly because of it. I will not suffer in this manner, instead, I would like to see MIKE POMPEO, MIKE PENCE and DONALD TRUMP seeking new employment opportunities in that order and there is indeed a lawful process to facilitate this. _William Hughes

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