Friday, November 16, 2018

Malta Meal

November 15, 2018

Frick –

To my astonishment the old LS manager wrote back from her new job in Wyoming. Whenever someone uses the words “Well” or “Lucid” to describe me, it is an immediate cut & paste to save. If I am really related to Howard, I will have to travel with a psychiatrist, psychologist, and a Marriage and Family Therapist, plus an attorney to represent each of them in case they lie about me. My Papa Doc lawyer who will look like he killed thousands in Haiti or Indonesia has yet to be found.

It makes sense the family worked for the Stat Department with these T.O. reports:

On Castro: “He’s no good.”
On post-hurricane Haiti: “It’s bad.”  

If I got a job there after Pompeo is fired, this sort of brevity would save time, coming from foreigners who are absolutely allowed to be here.


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