Monday, January 21, 2019


I'm "Wilhelm?"
No, I'm not.


Roger –

Microsoft is at it again after the clock problem resolved. I clocked-in at Starbucks #2311 to supposedly write something having already decided the Internet would  be unwise. No bus last night; no bus this morning. It is kind of cold for that crap. More up your alley, do we all understand the illegal tech that allowed me to say, “Bi State is scheming all night to screw up bus routes” and as I rounded the corner bound for a library Men’s Room I paid for, a man I’d guess was in his early 80’s brushed shoulders and simply said, “Yep.”

Answering to my muttering with no wires or microphone? Must be Dr. Faber, the dentist who installed four porcelain crowns when I only needed two. One of my prizes illegally taken by a California sheriff was a presumed tracking/listening device I took out of one of those crowns when it suddenly and inexplicably fell out. It looked like the tip of a dull pencil and don’t tell me it was some sort of fastening post for the dental work.

Airplanes flying right at me must have had coordinates from the work of this not so good DDS. Today, I am not ashamed of my bad teeth, because they are much like Charlie’s, Howard’s, and the choppers of many royal types long ago. George Washington had wooden teeth, most educated people know. As for a Hughes guy watching his back, this Archaleus fellow is not in most history books. They did not name Orlando, Florida after Orlando Hughes, but he got here before most deranged families. Back to England I go, where hopefully the laptop won’t double photo files and hide them all over the hard drive, or put a document file within another document file, causing me to take all morning to separate them today. Want three copies? That is what my late dad recommended. His VA grave has been robbed? That I could not know while renting a “drug house” about 4-5 miles from the cemetery.

Latest accidental discovery? Republican Theodore Roosevelt said Charles E. Hughes was insufficiently “warlike” and the Democrats said, “A vote for Hughes is a voter for war.”

I would rather not recycle that slogan in regard to Mr. Putin.


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