Monday, June 24, 2019

Rude & Lewd in St. Lou

10:43 p.m. Someone just yelled “Kill that motherfucker!” under my window and now “Shoot him!” was just heard. Great neighborhood, eh? Not about me? I might just go down there and say: “Hey asshole! You talking about me?” This is the “California Procedure” needed as I am so ready to agitate some Saint Louis cops over this fucking hell hole. “Captain White” or “Captain Brown” needs to show and receive a piece of my totally sane mind by the “NO LOITERING” sign. Has the owner “lost touch” of how fucked-up his property is? Count on Bill to update him. When, Steve?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Not Very Secret

I am sure today’s Secret Service does not want to hear my theory that they had a “left wing” in 1981 that tried to kill Ronald Reagan. Why? H.W. Bush was an old CIA player they thought they’d rather work with. They are that arrogant & corrupt, and should be abolished as a protective force. Regardless of how that goes, I will not be denied an exit from this nation, because I suddenly think USA is run by National Socialists (Nazis) no matter which political party is in the “Black House.” They love drugs & porn, and I see no shortage of either. Hop in your time machine to go back to the IHOP in 1972 and say, “A future president will be elected despite having screwed a porn actress” and what would I have said? “Hit the road; you’ve lost your mind.”

Monday, June 17, 2019

Let's Go Reds!

"You can change your name," they said.
Dick didn't. 

It was only high school, but a leader needs to take full responsibility for his or her fuck up’s. Instead, the U.S. presidency is rigged to “deny everything” from homeland government murder squads to bombing innocent people in Cambodia. Speaking of real, it was 2009 when the donut shop man said: “Those guys think I’m from China. I’m really from Cambodia; now get the hell out of here and don’t come back.” I believe I went from there to one of two CHEVRON stations in Newbury Park where I was booted for trying to shave quickly in the rest room. How did the clerk know that? How can a street shit head tell me the Kennedy clan owns a big chunk of Chevron and not expect me to dream of dropping nukes on your asses? I’m human-—USA is all gone. Don’t ask me when, because I am a political theorist, not a fortune teller.

“No law, no rights, no justice.” That’s the truth of it on your totalitarian merry-go-round with the same old news of a flash  in the pan politician and 12 more dead bodies because someone can buy an assault rifle with a “REAL I.D.” Fuck that, and Uncle Sam up the ass too, because I am going back home. They know why William III sent Hughes, and they know what those three males did for their sustenance before they came to Virginia. They were farmers? Blacksmiths like Josh? I don’t know, and I am fucking going to find out. You can keep your flag, that “con job” Constitution, and your constant stream of lies every four years. From whacky city councils to evil West Wing administrations, it just keeps getting WORSE.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Dear STL Kops


Vice President Cheney once said he wanted some terror suspects “Boiled in oil.” I thought that was an irresponsible statement at the time, so know this is my metaphorical plan for the United States Secret Service. Why? I called them today before I called Woodling and received the predictable “We can neither confirm nor deny” evasion, but at least Ms. Noh Name listened.

Noh Name then transferred me to someone who hung up simply because I asked for an identifier. “Agent 0019” would have been okay, as with how they have behaved previously. My response was to call Public Affairs again and told them that a few months back I really did talk to a man in their intelligence division who gave me a gmail address that I did in fact write to. I could not believe they had a gmail box, but he said “Send it” and of course I joked that nothing I was reporting need be kept “secret.” I am sure you get the joke as well.

What I don’t like is the constant thought that someone wants to steal the notebook where this was carefully documented. My documentation skills are from a 20 year mental health career, and that sort of information is also supposedly CONFIDENTIAL. I gave her only the gender of my college friend who I have verified is related to one of their top officials who resigned under pressure along with several others due to a drinking incident at the White House gate and many unauthorized views of Rep. Jason Chaffetz’s records when he was passed over by Secret Service for a job.

My allegation you should be aware of is that my two calls to the relative of one of their later disgraced leaders at that time (2015) triggered what I am calling a “Chinese fire drill” within the Secret Service. You too can read the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General’s report dated September 25, 2015. I joke about people I call “Number Kooks” and just realized this was 10 days after my birthday. I don’t have ESP, but I did have a boom box at the time and upon hearing of Rep. Chaffitz’s line of questioning, called two of his offices. Anyone literate can see they had gone  on “Red Alert” there too for some reason. Work with me, because I think Chaffitz’s staff in Provo and D.C. thought I had a “buddy” within the Secret Service. Actually, for a time I did, but I have to think they have retired.

I’d love to allege in an ever-elusive “news” story that John Roth did not give us a complete account, and his excuse-making is weak material to me. For example, why would they alert the protective details for Bill Clinton and Joe Biden? Chaffetz is a Mormon and I’d expect him to be no more a danger to anyone than I. This might be because Clinton’s Air Force One did indeed fly over my car on I-170, and you cannot read my e-mail to and from one of Senator Biden’s key aides. As the late Charles E. Hughes would say, we are at “loggerheads” over politics and my long overdue legal claim to be related to Howard R. Hughes, Jr. It should be clear to any jury that Charles behaved like an older brother because he was. I doubt there will be prolonged civil trials after discussing legal strategy with several attorneys who either worked on the “Mormon Will” litigation both for and against Mr. Hughes, or were willing to file lawsuits against California politicians who must remain nameless here.

Put bluntly, the next Secret Service scandal should be about me. Why? When my late “father of record” almost died in 1966 the four men who came to me with no adult present to ask where I would go in the event of his death were not owners of trucking companies. I am certain they were Secret Service agents. They got to know me early when I said “No” to every option presented. When Charles made it through many surgical procedures and I was allowed to see him, he cried before me on one of only two occasions. My intention is to see that the United States Secret Service is abolished over the next teardrop shed by Charles Edward Hughes in 1990. Understood? The United States Government cannot continue to torture me over the enormous sum of money at stake here.

My next on the record encounter with those people was in a Cooperstown, New York bar. (They drink a lot). I simply inquired if they were there for the induction ceremony for among others, Lou Brock. I am constantly dealing with idiots who would say, “Who is Lou Brock?’ in Saint Louis, MO. I am tired of this “selective ignorance” and outright lying when it is far easier to tell the truth as I have done for 63 years. This sort of garbage is what your Intelligence Community (IC) does all day every day. Though I do not share Donald J. Trump’s politics, this president knows I am right!

“We’re the Secret Service” the man said. When I suddenly recalled the ceremonial game the president attends, I was told George H.W. Bush was to visit. I then asked why Ronald Reagan was not attending. “He’s busy,” I was told. Busy with what I found out in 2018. It was yet another “Iranian missile crisis,” and we are not talking about who gave me a later stolen film school hat. Please comprehend that it was an ex Iranian president’s daughter. Moreover, no DNA testing will be performed on the headphones now miraculously sitting on my bed that were a gift from a stocky blond-headed woman present that day in an LA Starbucks. Who was she? As Charlie Hughes often said, “I don’t know.”

William Charles Hughes

06/02/2019 > After a careful review of published material, the tide is turning in my sane mind against Rep. Chaffetz, who ran a highly politicized “slash & burn” committee that ended many careers, including his. I see no Senator Chaffetz or his name among the dwarfs running for president in the biggest stampede to Iowa and New Hampshire yet. The cup of coffee I was offering to buy Chaffetz in Provo? Never happened, nor do neighborhood drug dealers or AR-15 riflemen seem to be arrested in Zip Code 63111. Concurrent events in 2015 included a female Baker Hughes employee chatting dozens of times and twice saying, “I’ll call ‘ya back, sugar” and she did! Later they were sold to GE, any search box will inform you. If this is somehow related, please visit the Eagleton Federal Courthouse when Judge White or Ross allow me to talk.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Don't Think So


Brian –

Now that I finally filed some lawsuits and decided I’d better investigate into a political party called the Alliance for Liberals and Democrats for Europe back home in the EU, maybe Trump’s goons will back off a little. Much like here, one meeting of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists would have me nearly killed by people who are better at it, so why risk my life every day, like in the USA?