Monday, June 17, 2019

Let's Go Reds!

"You can change your name," they said.
Dick didn't. 

It was only high school, but a leader needs to take full responsibility for his or her fuck up’s. Instead, the U.S. presidency is rigged to “deny everything” from homeland government murder squads to bombing innocent people in Cambodia. Speaking of real, it was 2009 when the donut shop man said: “Those guys think I’m from China. I’m really from Cambodia; now get the hell out of here and don’t come back.” I believe I went from there to one of two CHEVRON stations in Newbury Park where I was booted for trying to shave quickly in the rest room. How did the clerk know that? How can a street shit head tell me the Kennedy clan owns a big chunk of Chevron and not expect me to dream of dropping nukes on your asses? I’m human-—USA is all gone. Don’t ask me when, because I am a political theorist, not a fortune teller.

“No law, no rights, no justice.” That’s the truth of it on your totalitarian merry-go-round with the same old news of a flash  in the pan politician and 12 more dead bodies because someone can buy an assault rifle with a “REAL I.D.” Fuck that, and Uncle Sam up the ass too, because I am going back home. They know why William III sent Hughes, and they know what those three males did for their sustenance before they came to Virginia. They were farmers? Blacksmiths like Josh? I don’t know, and I am fucking going to find out. You can keep your flag, that “con job” Constitution, and your constant stream of lies every four years. From whacky city councils to evil West Wing administrations, it just keeps getting WORSE.

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