Thursday, October 19, 2017



Belfer Center –

Mr. Mowat-Larssen’s name came to my attention because of Mike Pompeo’s refusal to speak at your forum. May I say something at Harvard someday? I’ve grown an oil bit irritated at the steady denial denying I am who I am. Unless someone stole it and I must request a third copy, it seems the Central Intelligence Agency wrote me a letter on paper that actually arrived in my mailbox saying I needed to better “prove my identity.”

Why not giggle like a fool and then google “Project Azorian,” “Jennifer,” or how about “Glomar Explorer?” Ladies and gentlemen, I think the Global Marine crew recovered nuclear warheads. Where did they go? That would be a fine topic for a symposium, don’t you agree? If Mike Morell quit, I think he’d come back for that!

The last name remains,

Hughes, William C.

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