Thursday, November 12, 2015

Free Undercoat, No Free Undertaker

Barbara should have been your first black president, not “B.O.” Is there some racial trouble at Nixon’s state U.? “Son, you will play football, or we will take away what the NCAA does not know about.” They do? Oh, oh! [MICROPHONE JOKE(s) The Hughes Electro Voice is to the left, a Channel 4 & 5 transducer to the right].

The “game” is simple. Bill Hughes is allowed to use the .mil .net, just like you! Why sell any icky books? Why direct any silly Hollywood movies? Oh no, Disney stars! Bill would rather look-up names of old spooks known to “The Family.” I’ve seen a few of these apparitions myself. You see, after they are out of C.I.A. service, they have to make a living. So, for example, the first “match” lives down off [KILL BILL]. The other spook works as a [KILL BILL]. And, how about a guy involved in nasty “ops” attending class at [KILL BILL]. What did the black lady on a bus bench say in Los Angeles? FREE HINT:

Where ‘ya from?”
“The Congo.”

Gotta go.
Is the computer dead yet?
The android hacked & wrecked yet?
Given I’ve not yet been murdered
May I buy a car?

Later, you can try to wreck it.

Then, like a movie, several young women might jump out and begin firing Uzi submachine guns and assault rifles. Don’t bother to “Call the cops.” They may be too “busy” to respond at that particular time.

Speaking of Channel 5, Kay looks as old as I, and now, her young replacement will submit to lunch with me. New duds? My dirty old guy in an Independence Center Store used suit look will commence as soon as my sister finds time to…

Did I mention my 91360 Kook Cossacks already caught the Russian Airbus bomber? Unfortunately, I know her name. Got any money? Camera?

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