Dear Nick –
with my late dad, there’s always more for you. Yesterday, I called Mr. Roth’s
cell phone when he was possibly in an important meeting. Here is something you
should think about, and I mean the whole Kennedy family. I now have plenty of
hard evidence that my late dad arranged two vacations with them. (1966 = RFK –
1972 = Edward). Robert was seen by me and Ted was on a rented pontoon
boat I am sure. This was why he was so “scarce” during the concurrently running
Democrat National Convention.
Robard Hughes was a Libertarian. Charles Evans Hughes was a Republican. Charles Edward Hughes
was also a Republican. Dad called it “birddogged.” I was indeed birddogged by
three people working for John McCain in 2008 New Hampshire. I said, “C’mon guys,
I interviewed George McGovern. I worked for the guy in 1972.” They said, “You
will be converted.” To the Republican Party? People, consider two things:
am apparently the only living person with a claim on Howard’s wealth.
read books by Barry Goldwater and Charles Murry. I tend to agree with them on many
points. If I must declare I am a “Liberal Republican,” I’d blame the “conversion” on
you. I’d say this to a Jeff Flake, for example: “I reached out and got my arm
chopped off.”
you want that, don’t help me get out of this slummy motel and to Boston.
hate James Bond movies and spy novels.
mom said, “Charlie, he’s not so bad.”
Sam said? “We’re whacking a lot of the wrong guys lately.”
uncle said, “Charlie, where did he get the silencer?”
said, “I don’t know. I’ll have to look into it.”
Giancana was assassinated by a “friend” he had allowed in to his Oak Park,
Illinois home while cooking dinner. In my sorry life I cooked dinner many times
for three Russian women and thought nothing of it when I rented a home owned by
a professor who was in the Soviet Union. One now has a “memory lapse” about her
Cadillac sitting in front of #6 The Byway. She was later featured in the erased
CIA torture tapes “working” with Abu Zubaydah, who withstood many applications
of the waterboard while being questioned by this American terrorist. She said his name in front of me when
these War Crimes were supposedly a “state secret.” Your government’s crime led
to me being tortured too. At Guantanamo, the U.S. Navy doctor would repair my
hernia, but not in Missouri, where I’d like to become the governor. Even John McCain deplored C.I.A.’s shameful “black
site” prison activity, which might explain his replies to my correspondence.
back? Arranging for transport by 06/17/2018? Booking the National Press Club
room? Patty Power is my contact on that.
C. Hughes
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