Thursday, June 14, 2018

Mormon Money

Hey Russian girls, half of that signature sure looks like mine.
Could I get some MONEY if I were a Mormon?

I’ve also noted the Saint Stanislaus church I’ve seen in Adams, MA is considerably nicer that the St. Stan’s where Howard Hughes was both not dead in 1987 and had nothing for the collection plate. I peeked through Helen’s envelope and saw that the Catholic church got $5.00 every week. I know, because I was tasked with putting it in the basket. Howard knew I do not “spy,” so he wore his fedora in church, and of course got away with it as was the case regarding all other Watergate-related shenanigans.

I am sure HH supported Richard Nixon in 1968, but later “turned” on him, and the reason is simple. As the original “anti-nuclear activist,” Howard wanted the Vietnam war to end, despite making huge sums of money off of it. Now that’s consistency! If you say you are going to end the war, then don’t, I can hear Howard yelling, “That fucking liar! I’ll get that son of a bitch” etc. etc. etc. Today [06/14/18], before I can even send this e-mail, I hear the Republicans are back to jailing Hillary over her e-mail. Seems to me her boss Barack would have approved of that controversial server. Why not go after him, then USA can resemble what I call, “The world’s biggest banana republic.”


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