Sunday, April 29, 2018

InnerNet Still On at QT?

Ali Soufan

MESSAGE: I am a mere blogger named Hughes with an unpublished book. One chapter got it right on 9/11, and Lord have I suffered. Got any free advice? Few lawyers I contact about being related to Howard do. How else would I hear "black site" NAMES before the news media?

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Speaking English?


Mr. Bennett:

This is to inform you I am seeking to give testimony before the Special Investigative Committee on Oversight. The “connection” to the governor’s behavior is the unethical conduct of St. Louis attorney AL WATKINS. This leads directly to another state official currently in in office.

William C. Hughes

Friday, April 27, 2018

Rumors in Mary Land

The McCabe family looks like a grave threat to the nation, don't they?

REDUCED FEE SERVICES: You may qualify for the Lawyer Referral Reduced Fee Program, if your income falls within certain prescribed guidelines. For further details, ask the Lawyer Referral Service about the REDUCED FEE and GRAY PANEL programs.

Monday, April 23, 2018

CYA in the USA

"I've got more missiles than you, pal."
"I've got more troops, Mr. Chicago."


IP Lawyers:

As you can see below if you care to, my life has not been a “bowl of cherries.” So, to cover my crime-free, drug-free behind I am sending you “contemporaneous notes” my daddy encouraged me to write, along with berating me to pick up my typing speed. Today, I see why 35 words per minute won’t do. CHARLES EDWARD HUGHES knew this in 1970. My typing teacher was from Texas? Let’s all stay artificially intelligent & ignorant of who I am.

The notes are on my voice mail to the Secret Service field office in Seattle. Last time I called them I got an AGENT HUNTER, but I here allege they make up the name when they answer the phone. Further, I’m allowed to say I don’t like living in a nation with a secret police squad worse than in communist East Germany or Iran under the Shah. I’m wrong? Let’s debate on TV, not at a homeless shelter, which is where most of USA’s lame lawyers belong.

The “receptionist” female of course had no NAME. I gave mine on Friday, April 20, 2018 at 5:50 c.s.t.

I was then transferred to the voice mail of Duty Officer “JASON.” I guess he’s like ELVIS or MADONNA where the last name is unnecessary. It seems like I answered each and every call as a public servant with, “William Hughes speaking.” Now, I’m talking LOUD about this filthy organization full of glorified beat cops, spies, bald headed sociopaths, drug shippers, tidy thugs, and assassins. I can’t vote or run for office, but I think Amendment One allows me to say most of them should be terminated and the few “clean” agents returned to the Treasury Department so they can better assist Russia in robbing Ft. Knox. (An old plot of theirs I was told about as a kid). They like gold a lot, as we can see from Mr. Trump’s behavior. Sanctions? This would lose money among his inner circle oligarchs.

_”Jason, I don’t like your name.” I worked with a man by the name of JASOON BLACKSHEAR. I covered his social work caseload while he was on vacation. A client of his died shortly after I saw him. No, you cannot readily overdose on Prozac, but that was the lie for this alleged Secret Service murder. They seem to do this to send a “message” or just for “fun.” Mr. Blackshear then quit and moved back to Texas, Tom stayed dead.

_”I don’t like secret agencies that don’t give names.” Do you?

_”This is a serious matter.” (800 kiloton nuke on the loose)

_”Since you are glorified cops I’ll give it to a Sargent.” (SGT. JOSE LOPEZ, cc: LT. CHERYL SOUTHWELL).

_”I’m tired of your crap.” One of their people I had regular contact with can be seen yelling “Get an ambulance!” in 1981. This is a stellar idea with James Brady shot in the head. Ronald who? He was only wounded.

_”This is about a crime.” People can impersonate cops, Homeland Security staff, FBI agents, and Secret Service around me? They can, and do, but I happen to think it is a criminal act. I skipped my J.D. in 1977, but I contend it was truly illegal when one of the “fakers” was murdered. “License to kill?” Only in the movies.

_”Don’t tell me to call a local cop.” On one of their St. Louis field office staff? This would be ineffective, I am sure.

_”This issue was reported to you in 2012.” (800 kiloton nuke)

_”It has reared its ugly head again.”

_”I am tired of these crimes.”

_”You need reform.”

_”My best guess on my late dad is he worked for you guys.”

_”I’m not wrong.” Not a scrap of is property left for me to hold of mine, that of my parents, and every grandparent. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Why did this happen? Of the Czar’s murder and that of the entire family when Bolsheviks came to call, it was said, “One got away.” I happen to know the descendant that escaped way too well. Why? English king William IV liked sex a lot, and how could all of the bastards from Dorthea Jordan live, but none of the Queen’s many kids survived, per most history books. No, one got away there too. Eventually this produced my Grandfather. Nickname? “King James.” I am wrong? Why would I not be able to obtain a $13 vital record on James over four years? I call it a “Military Dictatorship.” How about you? The Pentagon tells the president what goes, I am sure. This is why my federal PAC received so much money to be elected instead of Trump and order them all hanged at dawn. My International House of Pancakes  owner once said, “Cooks are a dime a dozen.” Same with soldiers.

_”I’m not running for anything.” (See above)

_You need big-time reform.”

_”Don’t tell me about St. Louis. I’ve got something on their supervisor.”

_”You can’t hide behind that badge.”

_“She needs to be behind bars.”

_”Here’s what I’m going to do. I’ll write it up and give it to a police Sargent.”

_”Then, I will give you his name and phone number.”

_”You need reorganization.”

_”Or, maybe the government should get rid of all of you.”


Friday, April 20, 2018

Decision 2032

After I move to Finland, perhaps I can find those two drunk "exchange students" I met at Vons. It went like this:

"Why are you buying Russian vodka?"
"It's cheaper."

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

NTSB Creative Writing Class

Hughes awaits the thickly sliced baloney on this one.
Cat got the captain's tongue?
First Officer kind of busy?

WAYSIDE hackers arrested yet?

From the Endless Addenda Dept:

4:15 p.m. – Now I’m pissed-off about Southwest Air 1308. I’ve had a book researched about aviation accidents for a goddamn year and I cannot write it on this stupid keyboard in this motel room! Can somebody please get me out of here? I love reading 1966 accident accounts and finding out that when my uncle said, “Charlie, he didn’t see it in time” they were talking an aviator about to die by hitting Mont Blanc. An old boss gave me a pen by the same name. Many males would have gotten out the trusty AR-15 to get my “stuff” back by now. “Constitutional Rot” is a real concept. Law enforcement? At the virtual donut shop 24/7 and not doing their jobs. Why don’t we call evil George Soros so I can stay and run for governor? Or, I’m so sick of this motel room, I’d be happy if someone dumped my remaining property on an I-44 truck stop lot. The sheriff doesn’t want it as his place, or does he?

Friday, April 13, 2018

Where's Rachel?


Rachel -

If I can get away from the Union Station Starbucks by the time you leave work, I'm going to call from the pay phone at a nearby Chevron where the old AT&T buried cable and microwave towers are only 10 cents a minute.

You and Jill are in big trouble, or not. I work for the C.I.A., according to "Beavis." How many times have I denied that? The train now gets into St. Louis at 7:01? Even I got that clue. May I go to H.W. Bush's funeral? Don't ask why. You driving?



p.s. Secret Service in Washington okayed my upcoming hassling of their Des Moines Field Office. Tell Koval to call them, and they will deny it.  

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Jr. High J.D.

 Can't hear me? Why not get the shit out of your ears?

April 7, 2018

Schlickterr Bogart, & Renton

Watch many “spy movies?”

Like s spy flick, I’m now wanting to bust-up your law firm over Nelson Wolf’s very bad  free advice. No, the issue is not “peace disturbance,” it is a nationwide crime wave run on one man—me.  This started with retired St. Louis barrister JOHN ENRIGHT in December of 2012. With an illegal California ticket hanging over me, Jack’s advice was, “Just forget it.” In that event, it would have remained in the “cop computer” preventing a driver’s license I still do not have, and it also would have allowed a cop to take me away any old time because Ed Tumbleson wants me off a parking lot so he can retire to Costa Rica. I say Ed goes to prison along with former sheriff Geoff Dean. Torture? Not okay in Thailand, Poland, Egypt, or USA.

I remember the yard signs for Jack’s dad, a long-time judge. Was he a corrupt ass like Dowd, Grady, and Peebles? You need some judges tossed off the bench and some law licenses pulled. Nelson’s speakerphone is a good place to start the way I see it. I am a virulent opponent of firearms—even for police to carry, but I have news for your firm. I was certain the man screaming at me was a former police captain high on something, so given he had previously threatened me with physical harm, I could have shot the man dead. Then I would not have to worry about the jerk today. Fortuitously, I just remembered the name of a big pro-gun rights Second Amendment lawyer I have spoken with, and  we’ve exchanged e-mail. He would see it my way, and you think I am supposed to just let this all dangle along with “Agent McCullough,” who was not a Secret Service agent? Agent Meier was with the FBI? No, he was not!

How nuts can you people be to think anyone should tolerate this kind of garbage? Maybe instead of file a product liability lawsuit I should buy an AR-15 and head to Bohemia, NY where the company is located that sold me a poison pill no lawyer wants to address. While busy calling me “mental” after what has become an everyday American event, perhaps my large framed Handgun Control, Inc. poster could be recovered from intelligence agency hijackers, or was it more mundane Mafia men waiting many years for me to show up in Los Angeles?

One word: Criminals.

William Charles Hughes