Friday, June 29, 2018

Shelly D. Tamarac

Another fan from Israel.
They are very serious about certain matters.

The reason I called Shelly exemplifies the kind of stuff I have to put up with while hacked, “spoofed” on the phone by juvenile delinquents,  and ridiculed by people I “fire” from my Facebook pages. (One as William in LA, one as Bill in St. Louis). Much of this Twitter nonsense is what they call Russian “bots,” and I read a congressional report about it. This all does me little good in trying to prepare early to run for governor here. I don’t know how? A former governor of this state said this of me as a kid: “Locks like he’s ready to sign a bill.” (I had reached for a pen while sitting at his desk).

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Seeking Aceptance in Trump's USA

Struggling with billions of bucks?
I can do that too.

Okay, welcome to Saint Louis, Missouri. This is where my Democrat Township Committeewoman said, “Get out of there before they put your stuff on the street.” God bless America! Maybe I should have started selling powerful California pot to be more accepted and loved by drunks who sit on South Broadway in the morning and pop their first beer that may have been purchased with an SSI check. Oddly enough, I don’t think you can do that on North Broadway, because an African-American cop might object.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

"Courthouse Closed Today for Trump Rally"

I get the sarcasm.
Has Mr. Smith been arrested yet? (Since 1989?)
I told you libs you will soon have no courthouse to run toward.
Better get elected, sir.

I continue to be punished for following every law on the books, so here’s a suggestion. Why doesn’t Bob McCulloch pay my phone bill, because I don’t think Stenger wants to. The request was communicated through his law firm today. I am astounded regarding my inability to ask about property left at an old DMH office. It was briefly discussed in- person straight off the train during November of 2013. That box contained what I believe to be a fake business card for Bob McCullough, “Secret Service” man. The social worker I showed it to? She “disappeared,” as have many people I’ve known.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Where did Mr. Goss go after quitting on Bush?
Perhaps some A-rab put his ass on a waterboard.

I told a scheduler at my old medical clinic I do not want to walk into an Emergency Room as many fools do and run up a huge hospital bill I cannot pay. If you doubt the Howard claim, I could refer you to lawyers who are talking to me absent fees paid and have made loose statements that confirm it, but are not willing to represent me for lawsuits over hundreds of billions of dollars absent a large retainer paid. This has put my view of the legal profession most of my ancestors pursued down with used car salesmen and dirty cops. The “Crusading Liberal Lawyer” depicted in movies? He does not exist.

Failing all that, I’m skilled at running the sound board for free beer as well.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Greene Machine

Gardening like Ms. Obama? First, speak some English, please.
"Where 'ya from?"

To succeed in political life, it is fortunate I’ve done a lot of public speaking, but the videotapes of me seem to go “missing,” or evil health care corporations won’t talk about them. I myself currently have a hernia with no health insurance, and this could be a great teaching tool on Missouri’s backwardness, as no ObamaCare or Medicaid expansion made it past the GOP skinflints. That recent gas tax will likely go to some Red State best friends and “shell companies” that endorse “Right to Work.”

If it came true for me, I fear I’d need refills ready for the “Veto Pen.” It’s so bad, I’ve already threatened to State of the State harangue like Fidel Castro until they leave the floor and go home to their perfect lives. That’s way ahead of my goal which is to open a little office in a mid-Missouri town by September. My “friends” out in Los Angeles and Ventura County are already upset I might hire them and make them do actual work in a state where they would rather not be. So show biz they are, until such time as I’d introduce them to a Missouri hog farmer.