Tuesday, January 29, 2019

"Mobile Cubi" IDEA stolen yet?

And "All washed up" has a double meaning too?
This Hughes would not know.

Where is my long e-mail from Paramount?

Seems the origin of Star Trek: Next Generation and Deep Space 9 “changelings” has been discovered in folklore. Us writers read way too much but all of mine was highly political nonfiction.  Thus, I continue to yell “Nazis!” at most every technological innovation I see or hear. The Nazis clearly won World War II by taking a long high-tech path. Brain working correctly? Been shot with microwaves lately? My “Mad Russian” scientist I stumbled upon a few years ago and many more mundane E.U. researchers have published in peer-reviewed journals on what gets people accused of being “crazy” here. Mr. Miller discussed all of this with me while in California, and he runs a business that typically charges a FEE for consultation.

Darn, I did not copy the page from a book that alleged the founder of all things Apple did not a bit of market research. He intuitively knew people would, as I say every day, “Poke the pod” so he built one I’d like to stuff up someone’s ass and be arrested for “assault.”

Sunday, January 27, 2019

French Doors - Who killed Mr. Morrison, Frenchie?

Eye disease at Starbucks #2311?


Steve –

Looks to me like a revolution took place in France.

As I said at Rosary in a classroom that is still there, “They fucked it up.”

In 1791, my relative left the country, but he’d be back.


My “other relative” escorted his boat in 1814.

I’m all for a WWIII waged against the United States.

A psychic uncle said, “You’ll be too old to fight.”

I have firsthand evidence I am too big to fit in the cockpit.

I did not catch her name.

See video---see pilot.

As “Peggy” yelled out in front of the Goebel, “Deep shit!”



How bad is it at the shelter Richard Blum’s relative should get me out of? I have passed Initiation Rites:

-I told a rather obvious Meth Thug (white) to get out of the shower room. He asked for “help.” What the fuck does that mean? He then said, “I’ll bust your head.” Got motel money? Got bail money?

--I was later assigned to put paper towels and toilet paper in the aforementioned shower room. This I did without the imminent busting of my head with nobody downstairs. Want to go down there? I’d go to a martial arts class first.

---My final feat was to switch out a broken cot when all stood transfixed, helpless, retarded, or damaged by what the Cuban embassy staff described as like a “head injury.” Afterward, the 350 pound (black) cot occupant said, “I thought you were a bad guy.” Why? I’m sorry that, as usual, I know what the “head injury” is, and no one is talking to me about this crap except in merry old England. Since around 1690 the Hughes family has been here and I am carrying a gifted fucking Aldi bag? Love is the answer? No, a nuclear war is, dude.

Friday, January 25, 2019


More rioting?
Sorry, I do not have Meg's cell phone number.

To: Federal Bureau of Investigation - Phoenix
From: William C. Hughes
Date: 01-22-2019
Poisoning at Wendy’s

I want somebody arrested for trying to kill me. This is illegal, or do you disagree? This started at a McDonald’s located in California (Wendy Dr. & U.S. 101). The coffee tasted odd, and I nearly died. Here at Starbucks #7995, I just dumped the Dark Roast as I apparently cannot eat, smoke, or drink coffee anywhere in the U.S. without a cryptic threat uttered. Or an actual attempt on my life. Today, I’’ be researching the origins of World War I and Prussian families I am not related to. Why not find superspy Eileen M., who sat me down in 2009 with European family charts and said, “you are the head of one of the wealthiest families on earth.” Why explain that? She’s a mafia hag among the pack trying to kill me. Can’t find her house on Danville? If I had a firearm, many would have been killed. Mafia scum all over this world know my opinions on guns and your foolhardy Second Amendment to the document I call “The con job.” Seems most Hughes men did their two years in the military and were discharged to practice law. This Hughes hates lawyers, and if you ran 9/11 over I’d say, “Why not take out all of the Pentagon?” No American “Hijacker Helpers” arrested yet? Charles E. Hughes gave me only a Pogo quote on terrorism he tried to stop. Like placing a long odds bet, I know what was wired to a Saudi and not even spent. I don’t send “messages” with numbers, although the date Wendy’s spiked the coffee was 01-20-2019. What did I do that morning? Write fax text to the FBI.

Why an FBI fax malfunction?

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Random Click...And what Mafia movie are you talking about?


Dear Ashley –

What a difference a year makes, as poverty prevented me from seeing the Atomic Homefront documentary at the same theater where I saw Rocky Horror Picture Show while under the influence of “weed” any Californian would throw away today. Later in life, I begged my housemate not to play that Meatloaf album on my humongous stereo. He worked for General Dynamics and Boeing, then he died.

Let us not perseverate on my last name. For God’s sake, let’s make a movie! I’ve only been trying since 1998. I got a Final Draft 5.0 registration number that year, then finished my book on the mental health system a dozen agents and three publishers liked, but…what’s my name? I don’t get a fair shake in the USA, except from Italian opera singers in Thousand Oaks. I was also at the Borders book store in Simi Valley, back when we were allowed to purchase books. Has Don Trump burned them all up yet?

As my late dad would say, “I fear for our country.”

How about this for absurdity? A producer offered me money and an appointment—in 2015! Another industry big wig has twice offered appointments. The problem remains my inability to get out of this motel room. It’s much like that movie about a guy stuck in an airport released about the same time I was stuck in LA’s Union Station. A mysterious Swiss woman paid my train fare, only to be shunned and ridiculed in my home town of St. Louis, Missouri. Maybe you would be brave enough to come here and effect the Ventura County “rescue.”  We could go see tacky tourist traps and annoy the local media who need a Compton quality ass kicking.

From what little I know about Ms. Ellison, I think she’d love my campy but magnetic female spy character RITA, who was named after the street where I created her. The street address? 9-1-1, and I can prove it! Ask Not is a tale of terror, but of course when Rita is killed by a bad guy who dresses like a Rabbi, I left wiggle room to bring her back for a sequel and make more money. This one actually has a copyright registration, which has made two Intellectual property lawyers happy, but not me. How about my totally unprotected Screenplay #10, which is a black comedy I should dedicate to whomever is Sheriff of Los Angeles County these days. That job is getting like the Illinois governor post, where first they elect you, then you are tossed in prison. That cannot happen to me with only a $530 pension for my hard work as “The Man in the White Coat” for Missouri’s Department of Mental Health.

This Hughes knows “mental” when he sees it. Due to this factor, few fake friends from “The Valley” have stayed in touch. However, I have located my loyal assistants Jill & Rachel. When I hire them and they both dress in black clothing, we shall have it going on, I predict. I promised them three times their teacher and psychologist salaries, so after everyone is paid, of course we all know the writer lives in his car with a Wal Mart sleeping bag for company.

Thanks for the memories,

William C. Hughes
[Writer, psychotherapist, and no slave to fashion] 


Dear Ashley –

I was pleasantly surprised you answered—no infernal voice mail. I heard of your film when an activist I know referred me to a man who has done much research in opposition to the landfill. As I noted on the phone, my parents knew what was there in 1965! Thus, it was O.K. to play in and around MALINE CREEK but not COLDWATER CREEK.

How did they know? Both of them worked at a Federal Records Center. When dad was in the Navy and the Manhattan Project chugged on, mom could take a look and I do not think either did anything criminal, yet they were treated as if they had.

HUGHES—the name was a problem for them, and for me in Los Angeles. In Ventura County, they have an odd usage of the word “friend.” Given you used the word “dialog” I hope we can have one, because I cannot reside in cheap motels like a fleeing felon with an excellent and still timely book manuscript on the 9/11 attacks. As for the movie producers who extended invitations to meet, I’m in the mood for what they call a “Walk away deal.”

Why keep hitting stone walls regarding politics? I’m 61, and understand the beefs & angst of 21 year-olds. Yes, the long hair stayed, and my name is the reason I have no photo from college or of mom. Too many people in LA wanted to talk about movies, aircraft, rockets, spacecraft, and defense industry secrets, yet not one dollar was earned. A homeless chum out there used to say, “You’ve made a friend today” so I hope I did and I will call you Thursday after my discussion with a Green Party guy.

I’d like to talk about your film. I made them in grade school on 8mm and in high school moved up to 16mm film. Where did they go? That’s always the question in Saint Louis.

Thanks for the info,

William C. Hughes

Monday, January 21, 2019


I'm "Wilhelm?"
No, I'm not.


Roger –

Microsoft is at it again after the clock problem resolved. I clocked-in at Starbucks #2311 to supposedly write something having already decided the Internet would  be unwise. No bus last night; no bus this morning. It is kind of cold for that crap. More up your alley, do we all understand the illegal tech that allowed me to say, “Bi State is scheming all night to screw up bus routes” and as I rounded the corner bound for a library Men’s Room I paid for, a man I’d guess was in his early 80’s brushed shoulders and simply said, “Yep.”

Answering to my muttering with no wires or microphone? Must be Dr. Faber, the dentist who installed four porcelain crowns when I only needed two. One of my prizes illegally taken by a California sheriff was a presumed tracking/listening device I took out of one of those crowns when it suddenly and inexplicably fell out. It looked like the tip of a dull pencil and don’t tell me it was some sort of fastening post for the dental work.

Airplanes flying right at me must have had coordinates from the work of this not so good DDS. Today, I am not ashamed of my bad teeth, because they are much like Charlie’s, Howard’s, and the choppers of many royal types long ago. George Washington had wooden teeth, most educated people know. As for a Hughes guy watching his back, this Archaleus fellow is not in most history books. They did not name Orlando, Florida after Orlando Hughes, but he got here before most deranged families. Back to England I go, where hopefully the laptop won’t double photo files and hide them all over the hard drive, or put a document file within another document file, causing me to take all morning to separate them today. Want three copies? That is what my late dad recommended. His VA grave has been robbed? That I could not know while renting a “drug house” about 4-5 miles from the cemetery.

Latest accidental discovery? Republican Theodore Roosevelt said Charles E. Hughes was insufficiently “warlike” and the Democrats said, “A vote for Hughes is a voter for war.”

I would rather not recycle that slogan in regard to Mr. Putin.


Friday, January 18, 2019


A random Facebook face.
Hughes again asks, "What is wrong with you women?"
I know some personally?

What could you maybe do for me?

Find someone in the real estate business besides my pal RICHARD BLUM to lend me a small sum to pay the Intellectual Property lawyer. Then I can finally sign a movie contract and leave the United States. As we say here in Missouri, “I ain’t coming back.” What kind of money do I mean? About $3,500 would pay for an Amtrak train they might name after me, a cheap motel in Thousand Oaks, and public transportation would do the rest. I looked up the route in that room Laura was supposedly going to rent to a young construction worker for $500 per month. Such a man would probably kill her, and then Randy’s would get a call, not me.