Friday, February 2, 2018

Johnson & Johnson


Mr. Johnson –

My joke muttered to myself after reading Keith Rogers’ article on the Carole Lombard plane crash was, “I might as well call the Pioneer Saloon.” (I’ve had no luck with “The Media Monolith’ so far). Maybe you can change that. Right again I was, because Mr. Rogers has retired, like the HUGHES AIRCRAFT employees I’ve been talking to.

Book manuscript #5 has been thoroughly researched. The joke? “I learned how planes fly by reading about how they crash.” (I still don’t get the wing curvature thing). However, I did build model rockets as a kid. That I understand.

My late mother had many talents, which apparently included predicting plane crashes. My ex-wife did the same thing, and how could I prove that? I can’t, so you simply have to believe me. The ATR-72 had a problem with ice? That was not the cause in Rosemont, IL or in the case of Senator Paul Wellstone’s “accident.” My extended family would thoroughly discuss aircraft mishaps over the holidays, and it has been too long since I identified a “character actor” at granny’s house for Thanksgiving. Today, it would be considered “child abuse” to say, “Billy, only the kid survived.” Then, they told me he had died! (A famous plane crash in New York City).

The Lombard event was filled with superstition, and mom called it beforehand. Then, shrinks said she was nuts, when really it was VALIUM. The Las Vegas casino shooter was taking it too, yet this seems to escape the lawman’s full attention span, which has become too short, in my opinion. Mom also sensed a St. Louis tornado that destroyed the club she and daddy Charles were in. As a kid, I heard it, but did not see it.

This I can prove. A tornado that caused a power outage at my office touched down about one-fourth of a mile away. The tornado date is the same date as the release date for the movie “Twister.” My plan in a one-story building with lots of glass was to go to the medical record room in the center of the building and put fat mental patient charts over my head. Hughes always has a plan! As it unfolded, the power came back on, and I finished my Medicaid billing on 06/10/1996. Mom said, “Charlie, let’s get out of here” on 02/10/1959. Coincidence? No! Who is going to publish my book? Who wants to get me back to LA to see if two movie producers would lie three times? Nobody in St. Louis, I can assure you.

Have a nice day,

William Charles Hughes

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