Friday, January 25, 2019


More rioting?
Sorry, I do not have Meg's cell phone number.

To: Federal Bureau of Investigation - Phoenix
From: William C. Hughes
Date: 01-22-2019
Poisoning at Wendy’s

I want somebody arrested for trying to kill me. This is illegal, or do you disagree? This started at a McDonald’s located in California (Wendy Dr. & U.S. 101). The coffee tasted odd, and I nearly died. Here at Starbucks #7995, I just dumped the Dark Roast as I apparently cannot eat, smoke, or drink coffee anywhere in the U.S. without a cryptic threat uttered. Or an actual attempt on my life. Today, I’’ be researching the origins of World War I and Prussian families I am not related to. Why not find superspy Eileen M., who sat me down in 2009 with European family charts and said, “you are the head of one of the wealthiest families on earth.” Why explain that? She’s a mafia hag among the pack trying to kill me. Can’t find her house on Danville? If I had a firearm, many would have been killed. Mafia scum all over this world know my opinions on guns and your foolhardy Second Amendment to the document I call “The con job.” Seems most Hughes men did their two years in the military and were discharged to practice law. This Hughes hates lawyers, and if you ran 9/11 over I’d say, “Why not take out all of the Pentagon?” No American “Hijacker Helpers” arrested yet? Charles E. Hughes gave me only a Pogo quote on terrorism he tried to stop. Like placing a long odds bet, I know what was wired to a Saudi and not even spent. I don’t send “messages” with numbers, although the date Wendy’s spiked the coffee was 01-20-2019. What did I do that morning? Write fax text to the FBI.

Why an FBI fax malfunction?

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