Thursday, May 24, 2018

I Get the Last Word, J.B. 2.0

Obama's plane had some trouble over St. Louis, but it was resolved.
Should Lake Michigan get bigger, and there is a big splash like the pic above...
...just say, "Man, that's cold!" The radio did not work? Off the radar? Hmmmm

No, I am excruciatingly sane, and think America’s police need an ass-whipping. I’d love to start with that bizarre history of the Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department. A cop of theirs literally cried on my shoulder after shooting and killing two restaurant robbers. This matters to anyone? Not when one of theirs with a rank of Major told me today her younger brother had died, with no details provided. Thus, the old neighborhood is old hat in the digital age. My cop grief counseling session is true, yet the department has never heard of their cop, nor was the newspaper of record willing to look up this crime. “There are a lot of shootings at White Castle,” I was told. And, there have been many Feds dressed like cops for a few years, I have concluded. What started that investigation? Maybe it was Charles E. Hughes.

That’s all folks,

William Hughes

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