Friday, May 4, 2018

JeffCo? It's a fright, alright.

"I told you of the hundreds of responsible people who have implied or admitted I am related to Howard Hughes, Jr. without anyone ever disputing the claim. And, they were not “cherry-picked.” That’s what I’d like to do with a jury in the D.C. circuit. My latest “layman lawyer” scheme is to file on all corporate raiders who robbed the Hughes family. How badly? I am down to a ripped pair of Dockers, no money for shoes, and no photo of my own mother. However, the DNA will match! Then, every one of these companies with a lawyer on K Street would come running, but they could not disprove the claim. So, the rest would be up to statutes and judicial interpretations of them." 

To enforce rights, you have to be granted a right.

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