Monday, November 27, 2017

Another W.C. Hughes


I found all of the Oklahoma ministers at Mr. Hughes’ funeral. Not one called back. I told a guy named “Brad” at the Oklahoma Historical Society about how I was told of oil under the capitol building as a high school student on a holiday at grandma’s house. Apparently a different William C. Hughes created jobs during the Great Depression, and the workers were paid 50 cents a day to build state office buildings.

This Hughes got “stressed out” and died in public service. (The obit basically states he worked himself to death). My contact wants money to look up the relatives. If I went to the Missouri Historical Society to look up William’s dad who helped draft Missouri’s constitution, they would probably try to throw me out.

Meanwhile, I called a political big wheel in the Democrat party and asked, “Why don’t you want to flip a seat?” Today, I wonder if they will even talk to me. Yes, my parents watched Outer Limits and I later walked past the home of a guy who created the Twilight Zone show. It is that bad all over the USA, and I’m available to address this pandemic of what mental health professionals call “magical thinking” if anyone ever wants to define terms instead of call each other “nuts,” “crazy,” and uncover sexual indiscretions. I don’t have anything to hide in either of those departments.  

Have a nice mid-Missouri day,

William C. Hughes  


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