Sunday, June 24, 2018

She's so hot! She's the what?

Divorced yet? Does she speak any English?

The candidate would often ask: “Doing a little spying?” The electorate’s learning curve would also include: “Got a FISA order?” My hat is from an Iranian and I’m a criminal? No, your federal officials are. Do you understand this one? “You’re going to Potosi!” (They give free injections there after a long process called a “trial”). “Friends don’t have friends executed?” If it’s that bad, I sure as hell would. Murder One is okay when done by some shady Mafia-Military alliance? If most of what has been imparted to me by intelligence operatives and police officers is true, we’d make some history as I’d attempt to “evict” U.S. military units, agencies, and order whole bases closed in my state. Who gave your federal government the land to operate freely and possibly train soldiers to murder us? Who says you can park B-2 bombers in my state? Back in the 1960’s, Catholic clergy used to toss fake blood on Missouri’s missile silos. I was invited to go, but thought it kind of “radical.” Why not revive that spirit and stop blaming others? Peace with North Korea has broken out? I don’t think so, and I’m allowed to rip into Mr. Trump in front of an audience, right? Or, do you have a ride to Santa Monica, California? Movie producers get old and die too.

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